Thursday, February 3, 2011

IPv6 on it's way -- learn more 2/17/11

Yesterday the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) announced it had assigned the remaining blocks of free IPv4 addresses to the Regional Internet Registries. And, at a press conference this Thursday, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) will be making a significant announcement about the global transition to IPv6.

Predictions are that it will take three to seven months for the registries to distribute the remaining IPv4 addresses to carriers. The replacement is the IPv6 format, which exponentially increases the available supply of addresses. It also means big changes for every sector of the communications industry, including enterprises.

What Enterprises Need to Know About IPv6
Thursday, Feb. 17 | 2 p.m. ET

Join your peers, along with IT pro Jeff Doyle, at this FREE 60-minute webinar for a close look at the drivers behind the transition to IPv6 and the implications for enterprise networks and users. Attend and ...

» Discover how broad-based IPv6 implementation by service providers affects the networks and services you use every day to run your business.

» Find out the “weak links” in your network where IPv6 is most likely to cause performance and compatibility problems -- and what you can do now to fix them!

» Get a checklist you can use to ask your vendors and service providers about their IPv6 implementation plans ... they’re questions worth asking in an RFP too!

» Understand the timeliness involved in IPv6 deployment so you can build an effective, realistic IPv6 strategy for your enterprise.

» Plus, Jeff has set aside ample time for your questions

The IPv6 format was developed several years ago ... but at that time the supply of IPv4 addresses was adequate. Now the explosion in smart, Internet-capable devices and the boom in broadband services have made IPv6 a mandatory part of your network plans and operation.

So make sure you know all the critical details ... register now for “What Enterprises Need to Know About IPv6” at