Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Benefits of Cloud Computing

Key benefits of cloud computing:
• Flexibility – There is the ability to update hardware
and software quickly to adhere to customer demands
and updates in technology.
• Savings – There is a reduction of capital expenditures
and IT personnel.
• Location & Hardware Independence – Users
can access application from a web browser connected
anywhere on the internet.
• Multi-tenancy – Resources and cost are shared
among many users, allowing overall cost reduction.
• Reliability – Many cloud providers replicate their
server environments in multiply data centers around
the globe, which accounts for business continuity and
disaster recovery.
• Scalability – Multiply resources load balance peak load capacity and utilization across multiply hardware
platforms in different locations
• Security – Centralization of sensitive data improves security by removing data from the users’ computers.
Cloud providers also have the staff resources to maintain all the latest security features to help
protect data.
• Maintenance – Centralized applications are much easier to maintain than their distributed counter
parts. All updates and changes are made in one centralized server instead of on each user’s computer.
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